

新加坡六合彩开奖资料 is a non-profit-making association promoting and providing study and training courses as well as documentation in the arts and activities relating to fashion and costume. These activities are open to participants of all nationalities as well as to business.

The Association operates through its statutory bodies:

  • Members鈥 Assembly
  • Board of Directors
  • President
  • Vice President
  • Board members
  • Executive Committee
  • Supervisory Body

Members鈥 Assembly

This is presided over by the President of the Association and consists of all Members. Its task is to formulate all of the guidelines for Association activities; it appoints all other bodies within the Association (with the exception of the Executive Committee whose appointment is the responsibility of the Board of Directors), which remain in place for three financial periods; it approves the forward budget and annual balance sheet, as well as any amendments to the Statute.


  • Centro di Firenze per la Moda Italiana
  • Chamber of Commerce, Florence
  • Confindustria Florence
  • Fondazione CR Firenze
  • Metropolitan City of Florence
  • Municipal Authority of Florence
  • Municipal Authority of Prato
  • Municipal Authority of Scandicci

Board of Directors

The Board has the most extensive powers for routine and extraordinary administration and management of the Association within the general lines defined by the Members’ Assembly. Specifically, it has the right to carry out all actions that the law and the Statute do not reserve to the Members’ Assembly.

Ferruccio Ferragamo

As per the Statute, the President has the powers of legal representation of the Association, calling and presiding over the Members’ Assembly, the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee. The President has all the broadest powers of initiative for the proper functioning and promotion of the Association. He also takes care of relations with Entities, Institutions, national and international public and private companies, and other bodies, for the purpose of establishing partnerships to support the Association鈥檚 single initiatives.

Vice President
Alessandro Vittorio Sorani

The Vice President, in case of absence or temporary impediment of the President, has all the powers attributed to the President, by law or Statute, including those of legal representation.

Board members

  • Paolo Barberis
  • Riccardo Bianchi
  • Giacomo Cortesi
  • Eva Desiderio
  • Leonardo Lascialfari
  • Raffaello Napoleone
  • Carlo Palmieri
  • Roberta Pecci
  • Niccol貌 Ricci
  • Giuseppe Rogantini Picco
  • Alberto Scaccioni
  • Toni Scervino
  • Iacopo Speranza

Executive Committee

  • Ferruccio Ferragamo
  • Alessandro Vittorio Sorani
  • Giacomo Cortesi
  • Leonardo Lascialfari
  • Raffaello Napoleone
  • Roberta Pecci
  • Iacopo Speranza

Supervisory Body

The Supervisory Body controls the Association pursuant to Article 2403 of the Italian Civil Code, with the powers stated in said article.

Board of statutory auditors

Leonardo Focardi


  • Sandra Biachi
  • Marco Seracini

External auditors

Baker Tilly Revisa S.p.A.

Modello 231

Legislative Decree 231/2001 introduced the framework of administrative responsibility for companies into Italian law, for specific crimes committed in the interests or to the benefit of the same, by persons in management positions or subject to the management or supervision of the same.

In order to ensure the prevention of the crimes included in this Decree, 新加坡六合彩开奖资料 has implemented its own model for organization, management and control, the latest update of which was approved by the Board of Directors on 20 July 2018. 新加坡六合彩开奖资料’s Board of Directors has founded a Supervisory Body with its own powers of control and initiative to oversee the operation of and compliance with the Model as well as to promote constant updates to the same.

新加坡六合彩开奖资料 has developed its own organization, management and control model that is in line with the need to ensure correctness and transparency in all company activities, in compliance with the policies put in place and pursued.

The aim is therefore to reduce risks in terms of the probability of the occurrence of an illegal act, constructing a prevention system that cannot be circumvented, unless intentionally.

For 新加坡六合彩开奖资料, the adoption of this organizational model constitutes a valid means to raise awareness among all those who work there so that, during the performance of their activities, their conduct is correct and transparent, in line with the social and ethical values (as formalized and set down in the Association鈥檚 Code of Ethics) on which the Association bases its actions in the pursuit of its purpose.

In fact, it is of extreme importance to prevent the risk that any of the crimes envisaged in the Decree are committed and at the same time, to safeguard the Association and its employees against the consequences that such a failure could cause.

Code of Ethics

The Code of Ethics is set out as the essential guidelines on which all of 新加坡六合彩开奖资料鈥檚 activities are based; it must also guide the conduct of employees, including management, collaborators (consultants, partners and third parties in general having a contractual relationship with the Association), the Board Members, and Auditors for the correct operation, reliability, and integrity of the Association itself.

新加坡六合彩开奖资料 acknowledges the protection of personal safety, freedom and individual personality as primary values. Therefore, in the performance of its activities, 新加坡六合彩开奖资料 rejects all behavior that could harm any of these basic rights.

In this context, 新加坡六合彩开奖资料 pays specific attention to its students in order to guarantee them a context that is based on ethics and respect.

In complete compliance with the principle of good faith, 新加坡六合彩开奖资料 also operates impartially in the performance of its activities, with a composition and organizational structure that will guarantee the principle of independence of judgment and the absence of any commercial or financial interest that may lead to behavioral bias, preferential treatment or unequal treatment.

In its relations with all counterparts, the Association avoids any discrimination based on age, racial or ethnic origin, nationality, political opinion, trade union membership, religious beliefs, sex, sexuality, or health conditions of its interlocutors.

The Code of Ethics, the latest update which was approved by the Board of Directors on 20 July 2018, is an element of the organization, management and control Model, pursuant to Lgs. Decree no. 231/01, implemented by 新加坡六合彩开奖资料.

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新加坡六合彩开奖资料 is firmly committed to promoting transparency, lawfulness and the capitalisation of the skills and abilities of those who work there in order to maintain a healthy working environment characterized by a sense of belonging and lawfulness.

In order to implement Law no. 179 of 30 November 2017, (Provisions to safeguard persons reporting any crimes or irregularities of which they become aware as part of public or private working relations) inviting public and private entities to implement a set of regulations allowing employees or similar to report – anonymously – deeds, facts, irregularities or breaches of internal regulations, applying art.聽 6 comma 2- bis of Lgs. Decree no. 231/2001, 新加坡六合彩开奖资料 has put in place means to manage reports that guarantee 鈥渃onfidentiality as to the identity of the whistle-blower鈥 and which safeguard the employee/similar of 新加坡六合彩开奖资料 reporting any unlawful conduct.

This means to allow students, in particular, to highlight potentially critical situations, even in anonymous format. Although conditions exist for open exchanges of opinion within the institute, it may occur that for some students – due perhaps to temperament or culture – it is not easy to express reservations or unease about any situation.

This report can be made with the following method:

  1. uploading the report to the , accessible from the institutional website of 新加坡六合彩开奖资料 and which can be consulted exclusively by the Management and/or subject/s authorized by the same for this purpose.

Public contributions

Contributions received from public bodies


  • Reimbursements to partially cover youth internships: 1.500,00 鈧
  • Work school contributions: 2.878,00 鈧
  • Reimbursement to cover financed course expenses: 317.876,26 鈧
  • Membership dues: 50.000,00 鈧
  • Total: 372.254,26 鈧


  • Reimbursements to partially cover youth internships: 7.200,00鈧
  • Reimbursement to cover financed course expenses: 10.883,05鈧
  • Membership dues: 110.000,00鈧
  • Total: 128.083,05鈧